Why and why not?

Why and why not?

#Enlightenment on Saturday! Why?Why not?Then ask yourself, “I am myself, but why?” You could never repay me when you use the questions sincerely.Just do it first; judge later. The benefits of doing it right are significant, for example, #burnout Below is a perspective on burnout:It is more than just feeling tired—it’s like carrying a heavy […]

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Human Progress

Human Progress

Why progress? We strive to build a better life for our future self. We have a vision in our heads of this future that we assume is coming. Once we build ‘this’ or accomplish ‘that’ we will one day be happy and content. It seems like a core human drive. Is it apart of all

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While in England, I stood on a pathway, talking with a new friend, who is eighty. Four geese had landed at the pond and we walked out to see them. The sky was clear, the sun was bright and a few pretty clouds hung in the distance. We stood talking on the gravel walkway for

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#Enlightenment on Saturday!

#Enlightenment on Saturday!

A true ability to think outside the box…?! The purpose of #meditation differs for everyone, and so do the results. Each person’s practice reflects their unique goals and experiences. What are your aspirations? The post #Enlightenment on Saturday! appeared first on Goong Goong. The post #Enlightenment on Saturday! appeared first on Harmony.

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Find Your Harmony Now - Zero Balancing, Re-calibration to now. ZEN Method (Zero Enhanced Nothingness)

Guided Enlightenment

  Enlightenment in Your Place Why should you care about enlightenment? First, it empowers you to harness greater personal strength and attain a deeper level of understanding. For example, by gaining insight into your own thought patterns and behaviors, you can make more informed decisions and navigate life’s challenges with greater resilience. Second, it connects

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RESET Mindfulness

  RESET to increase resilience to retain top talent to improve bad habits   Introduction: Within any given team there are individuals, interpersonal factors, and executive functions. Workshops that introduce more metrics for teamwork do not promote happy teams. At their root, teams don’t need more factors for consideration, quantity-wise. The team gets distracted from

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Selfless Leadership

The Leadership Program To Innovate What Matters The Most The Selfless Leadership program is based on ZEN Method and represents the most advanced program for developing a genuine self-innovation platform within individuals, who want to bring out the best in themselves and others. At times, when you’re considering escaping the box of entrapments of your cravings, burdens,

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