
Unapologetic Fragility

Unapologetic Fragility

We love trees in the springGreen leaves appearing, flower buds peekingBirds building nests and singing in the branches.We enjoy trees in the summerLuscious crowns providing much needed shadeRich green colored leaves softly rustling in the summer breeze.We admire trees in the fall for their beautiful colors, sun bouncing off them.But the winter is when trees […]

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Thinking of Limits

Thinking of Limits

In mathematics we have a notion of Limit going from zero to infinity. Lim f(x), x->∞. We really do not know that it is truly infinity but we accept that we do not know where the limit is. And, we are comfortable with this notion, we build theorems and theories based on it. Greatest inventions

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We take you home hand in hand, Sisters, your home has now expanded. The days are long but the years are short, We are simply thankful for all of our support. The lifelong talks you will have together, Simply put, no matter the weather. Beach days, rainy days, snowy days ahead, The feelings you feel

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Love comes later, breath comes first!

Love comes later, breath comes first!

When we integrate meditation into the idea of “breath comes first, love comes later,” it deepens the understanding of how breath and love are intertwined through #HarmonyMeditation practices. Let’s explore that: #HarmonyMeditation as the Practice of BreathMeditation, especially in its simplest forms, is primarily focused on the breath. In many meditation traditions—such as mindfulness, Zen,

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Biocatalyst to decompose general-purpose plastic

Biocatalyst to decompose general-purpose plastic

Check it out on Science! “Korea develops biocatalyst that decomposes 90% of waste PET in 8 hours. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), a representative general-purpose plastic, is a material used in various applications, including PET bottles, clothing, seat belts, takeaway cups, and vehicle mats.” This is a huge breakthrough! Here’s why this is important:1. Fast Decomposition:

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